Registration Status by age group:





Step-by-step registration instructions are below.

Welcome to the 2024 Spring season for Props Lacrosse, your favorite non-profit youth lacrosse club! Before you begin registration, please review the following information:

  • Competition team dues for the season are $295 per player.
  • Expect an additional $100 per child for purchasing the required uniform.
  • Props offers partial loaner equipment -shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, sticks – for first year players and those with financial needs.
  • All players, including Academy participants, must maintain an active US Lacrosse membership throughout the season (approx. $30). Learn more at US Lacrosse.

We utilize TeamSnap for our registration process. If your child has been part of our club since 2018 or has played for another sports team using TeamSnap, your existing username and password are still active. Follow the instructions below to get started!

Please note that roster spots are limited to ensure quality coaching and an optimal player experience. We aim to have a maximum of 22 players per team.

For our Academy program:

  • Registration is free (US Lacrosse membership still required).
  • No uniform fees apply.
  • Beginner sticks are provided for use during the program.
  • Learn more about this introductory program here.

Registrations are considered complete only upon full payment.

While we encourage timely registration, player acceptance is not solely determined by registration order. The club may accept a player based on past participation, parent/guardian volunteer history, or a commitment to volunteer during the upcoming season.

As a non-profit organization, Props Lacrosse appreciates any donations to support our mission of advancing lacrosse in the metropolitan Seattle area. You’ll find an option to donate during the registration process.

If you require financial aid, please review our Financial Aid application before proceeding with Player Registration.

Thank you for choosing Props Lacrosse, and we look forward to an exciting and fun-filled season!

To Register:

Step 1: First register for, or Renew, your US Lacrosse Membership (required).

  • New Players – membership is required to participate with Props Lacrosse Please visit the US Lacrosse Membership website for information on joining.
  • Returning Players – during registration you can now check your players US Lacrosse Membership status to ensure that your player is active through June 30, 2024. See below under Step 2 for instructions on how to do this.

Step 2: Next, register for the Props Lacrosse Club.

  • Click on the Registration button and this will take you to the TeamSnap Registration system page
  • Look for the Login/Registration button
    • If your player has played with Props at any time since 2018 or has been on any sporting team using TeamSnap, you can reuse their username and password. If not, it is a quick process to create a new profile in TeamSnap.

Step 3: Then login to TeamSnap.

  • Returning TeamSnap users can import their child’s profile from one of their other teams. Otherwise, please create a new player.
  • In addition to completing the required fields, please complete as many of the optional fields as possible when registering.
  • US Lacrosse membership status: when you reach the field to input your players USL member number, TeamSnap will check the status and let you know if it will require renewal to be competed during the season. It is required that all players maintain an active membership through the entire season.
    • If renewal is required, you can click the handy link and renew via the USL website process.
    • Once your player’s USL membership is renewed, navigate back to TeamSnap to complete the registration process by deleting and re-entering their USL member # in the box again.
    • When you have navigated back to TeamSnap, follow these steps:
      • Delete the US Lacrosse ID that is entered
      • Click outside of the entry box
      • Re-enter the USA Lacrosse ID
      • Tab to the next box
      • The membership number validation will run the check again
    • Eligibility will re-check eligibility and if it meets requirements you can proceed with registration
  • Follow the instructions through all of the registration screens and submit your registration.

If you are interested in seeking financial assistant, please review the following process to request a grant.

  • If you would like to submit a financial aid request, please follow the instructions outlined in the Props Financial Grant Application Form.
  • Please complete each section as thoroughly as possible and follow the instructions in the document to submit.
  • Proceed and complete the Player Registrationprocedure but do not complete the Checkout process at the end until your financial aid status is known – a club representative will contact you with verification of financial aid and registration status.